Skin Care
Step up your skincare game with the routine that turned my once mediocre skin into a healthy, confident complexion. Plus, learn the simple yet game-changing tip that I wish I knew in my teenage years.
Jason Smith
One of my closest friends Jason Smith died suddenly on Friday, March 26, 2021.
Jason was absolutely the kindest and most generous person. He...
Laura’s Biscotti Recipe
2 Cups sugar
1 cup (1/2 lb) butter, melted
2 tsp vanilla
2 tbsp water
2 cups coarsely chopped almonds
6 eggs
5.5 cups of unsifted, all purpose flour
How to Steak
Day before cook:
Blot steak with paper towelSaltLeave uncovered in fridge for 24 hours
Remove steak from fridge 20-30 minutes before cook, let come to room...
A List of All The Improv Warm-Ups & Exercises
This is just a list of all the improv warm-ups & Exercises I used to use when I was coaching.
At the front of every...
My Case for Vegetarianism
There's a question that everyone eventually asks me. Sometimes it's approached gently. Sometimes it's brusk. But it always comes up: "Why are you a...
Make Some Knives
I made some knives, and gave them to my groomsdudes as thank you gifts. The handles are made from Monterey Cypress, a rare wood...