Travels with Charley: In Search of America by John Steinbeck

I’m a Steinbeck fan. I’ve read nearly all his books. And when my friend Igor Hiller heard I hadn’t read My Travels with Charley he gleefully lent it to me. I’d never read a Steinbeck Non-Fiction to this point, and it was as delightful as reading East of Eden, or any of Steinbeck’s other great works. I find when I’m reading Steinbeck, I’ll come across a sentence and just have to stop and think, “that’s the truest thing I’ve ever heard.” Steinbeck makes you think, and reflect, and laugh, and feel sad. He’s always worth the read. Plus, it’s the story of a guy hanging out with his dog, what’s not to love about that?

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travels-with-charley-in-search-of-america-by-john-steinbeckIt’s the story of a guy hanging out with his dog, what’s not to love about that?